Arts and recreational opportunities for adults and children abound in the St. Marys Area! In addition to all the outstanding outdoor activities available in the area, there are plenty of cultural, educational, and informational activities, events, and programs for people of all ages. There are also numerous groups and collectives for visual arts and crafts and for the art of the written word.

Youth Programs

The Boys and Girls Club of St. Marys has long been a center for youth services and recreational activities within the community.

Historical Societies

Local historical groups and societies like the Elk County Historical Society have made great efforts to accurately preserve our local heritage by publishing books, developing historical presentations, and creating museum exhibitions.

The St. Marys Public Library

The St. Marys Public Library is a modern, well-managed facility that provides a wide range of cultural and educational information.

The Elk County Footlighters

The Elk County Footlighters is a local community theater organization that has been entertaining area audiences with Broadway productions, musicals, comedies, and dramas for over 30 years.

Elk County Council On the Arts

Since its inception in 1984, ECCOTA has successfully established itself as a center for the development of the arts. As one of Pennsylvania’s most successful rural arts councils, the Elk County Council on the Arts is dedicated to promoting the cultural enrichment of the residents of Elk County.

The Council enhances the local communities by offering experiences in the arts, providing educational opportunities, and by supporting local performers, musicians, artists, and writers. We work with local industry to bring in topnotch theater performances, cultural events and children’s programs.

In addition to bringing the arts to Elk County, ECCOTA takes Elk Countians to the arts by sponsoring bus trips to Pittsburgh, New York City and Toronto. ECCOTA offers classes in calligraphy, drawing, weaving, painting, fabric decorating, clay, stained glass, writing, photography, dance and more. ECCOTA also hosts The Summer’s End Festival annually in late September.

The Council operates an art gallery/gift shop at 237 Main Street in Ridgway where works of many local artists are featured. Visitors can admire and/or purchase handmade pottery, woodworking, stained glass and paintings.

For more information, call (814) 772-7051 or e-mail ECCOTA at  ECCOTA@WINDSTREAM.NET.